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Petersen House Museum

The Petersen House Museum in Tempe was built in 1924 by Swedish immigrant John Petersen and his wife Lena. The house is a classic example of late-19th century Americana with its white clapboard exterior and traditional gabled roof. Inside, visitors will find period antiques and collectibles from the Petersen family’s life in Tempe, as well as historical information about the development of the city over the past century. Visitors can explore the two-story home’s nine rooms filled with artifacts that tell stories about rural Arizona before it became an urban cityscape.

Visitors to the Petersen House are welcome to explore the exhibits at their own pace or take advantage of guided tours that are offered throughout the year. The museum provides guests with a detailed insight into Tempe’s history, stopping at each room to observe artifacts such as vintage clothing, furniture, jewelry and musical instruments – giving visitors the chance to discover what life was like for rural families during this time period. In addition to learning more about Tempe’s past, guests also get an up-close look at some of John 10th Street and 2nd Avenue, located a stone’s throw away from local bars and eateries.

In recent years, Peterson House has opened its doors to new opportunities including hosting art exhibitions from local and international artists as well as educational programs for students of all ages that promote awareness surrounding environmental issues. Other interactive programs include literary readings and author talks held within the museum walls where guests can learn more about regional authors who call Tempe home.

Whether you’re looking for an escape from urban life or want to immerse yourself in local culture – don’t miss out on all that Peterson House has to offer! From bird watching guides onsite to fascinating displays of 19th century artifacts – experiencing Tempe’s past has never been so easy! Not only will visitors have fun exploring this historic building, but they’ll gain a deeper appreciation for small town living while discovering interesting facts along their journey through time.

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Petersen House Museum

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